Wednesday 5 August 2015

Term 3 week 3

Last week, on Tuesday and Thursday all the seniors had cross country.   I was running I was so tired I felt like falling but instead I kept going I had to do 2 laps you may think it is easy but it is not.

When we had to do I was like no way but I had to I will just do and I will get it done and over with the good thing was I did not had to go in the rain would you like I  that I do not think so But It is sort of refreshing because you can get wet when you are sweating but is not good when It is big  rain you know what I mean right.

But I love cross country you can get fit and you get some time of the laptops IPad It really good we are learning about well being and how o balance our life to use less electronics and less natural I am trying to get more out side instead of inside but you can see It is raining a lot so ahhhh.

So I think this is a good thing to get out side more instead of waiting inside I hope you get out side more and not stay inside too much B).

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