Thursday, 30 April 2015

Term 2 Week 2

100 word challenge 

On Tuesday room 28/29 did the 100 word challenge.  I wrote story that will bring tears to your eyes have a sneak peak.   I feel really proud I’m going to war I’m going on an exciting adventure.  When I saw my parents they were crying, I was starting to get sad but my friend said don’t cry be proud that your going that war.  
 There you had a sneak peak did that bring tears to your eyes.  The story is about a solider going to war. Image result for tearsImage result for war

Saturday, 11 April 2015

The 100 Word challenge

Suddenly I Saw.....

  the copes.  I was worried did they knew I had the attached Jewel .  So I ran as fast as I can into the Jungle.  I saw some vines so I garbed one of them and I capped swing  until..... I heard the volcano exploded.  And there was lava going everywhere.  The copes where in front of me I did not know what to do.  Then my friend came in her car.  I got in the tree and onto the branch, I went on one branch to another.  I jumped into the car but.... the copes got there gun and bang they shoot it at me friend and she died and I died and I said this is the and of me..........

Image result for real diamondImage result for jungle


Chapter Book Challenge # 7